
Do you anticipate a medical specialty interview this year?  Read these tips from an experienced medical specialist interview coach.

Start preparing for the medical specialty interview early, in fact as soon as you have submitted your application. It is important to give yourself as much time as possible to focus and prepare. This gives you the opportunity to assess your strengths and weaknesses, prepare suitable examples to demonstrate your experience and practice your responses to various questions. Over the past ten years I have coached medical professionals across many specialties. Medical specialty interviews are unique.  In my experience the most effective approach is to prepare for a medical specialty interview is:
  • Establish an interview preparation schedule putting regular time aside to practice,
  • Speak with your colleagues who have been successful in previous years about the process, questions asked and how did they prepare for their interview,
  • Collect questions from previous years – these will provide you with a guideline on the style of questions to expect, however be aware that at times the style of question may change so be ready for the unexpected. However the information you need to prepare is still the same.
  • Read the package and specialty website again, focussing on the key skills and language used,
  • Re-read your application and assess your strengths and limitations,
  • If this is not your first attempt at the interview, get some feedback about your previous interview. This will give you an idea of the areas you need to focus on.
  • Change your perspective – put yourself in the shoes of the interview panel – if you were on the panel what skills, experience and personal attributes would you expect the applicant to demonstrate to stand out in the crowd. 
  • Prepare examples from work experience and/or voluntary work to demonstrate your suitability, 
  • If possible, form a study group and work through the questions and comment on each other’s answers – take notes,
  • Talk to your consultant and ask for advice on preparing for the interview,
  • Have a friend, colleague or family member ask the questions and video your  responses, Watching yourself on video will provide you with insight on how others see you,
  • Take note of your body language as well as responses, the body language  needs to clearly demonstrate confidence,
  • When responding to a question, clearly explain the situation and all the steps you took to resolve it. Do not give shorthand answers.
  • Do not memorise your answers, just the important points you want to include in your answer,
  • When necessary get assistance from a professional interview trainer/coach who has experience in preparing doctors for medical specialist interviews.
Finally take three deep breaths, smile and walk confidently into the interview room. For more information or assistance please contact Deborah Barit on (02) 9331 1853, (M) 0412 007 682 or email  

About Deborah Barit

Deborah Barit is a Sydney based author, trainer, consultant and Director of Impressive Interviews who specialises in training individuals and groups for job interviews. She has successfully placed clients from professions as diverse as health, law, IT, senior management and the arts in positions of their choice. For the last 15 years she has specialised in training doctors for medical specialty selection interviews and more recently consultants for senior roles.

Prior to this, her career has included selection and recruitment both in Australia and overseas, labour market research, evaluation of government-funded programs and working with disability employment services.  She holds a Bachelor of Economics Degree from the University of Sydney and a Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations form UTS.

Deborah is a member of the Australian Institute of Training and Development,