
Just a quick reminder that Deborah Barit Director and founder of Impressive Interviews will be in Adelaide from 27-30 April 2014 to deliver job interview coaching and information sessions.

So book now and don't miss out or phone 0412 007 682. Individualised interview training is available by appointment

28 April 2014 How to Prepare for a Job Interview

  • Do you need to polish up your job interview techniques?
  • Do you know what to say and what not to say at a job interview?
  • Do you want to build your job interview confidence?
This session is designed to assist applicants to prepare for job interviews using a practical approach. The seminar will focus on the following areas:
  • Understanding the employer perspective and what they are looking for,
  • Developing a plan and the information you should keep for each job,
  • How to structure an answer for different styles of questions
  • How to choose and develop clear examples to demonstrate experience and suitability
Question time - 15 minutes Duration 1.5 hours Fee $85.00 LocationMantra Hindmarsh Square Included:
  • Reference notes
  • a copy of the eBook Impressive Interviews - Your pocket-sized personal interview trainer
  • Light refreshments

27 April 2014 Master Class Interview Training for Medical Specialist Candidates

5.30 pm - 9.30 pm Strictly limited to 5 Mantra, Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide

Are you a doctor who excels at your job, receives positive feedback from your supervisors and consultants, however find the specialist selection interview lets you down, then this is the program for you. In this competitive environment when the number of training positions is limited, the selection interview is increasingly more important. Your performance at interview will determine your career success. The Master Class is designed for doctors applying for entry into medical specialties who find interviews difficult because they are visual/practical learners. Most doctors seeking entry into surgical specialties learn through seeing and doing? This new and innovative program using a specifically designed structure and technique is based on over 10 years experience successfully training doctors who are visual/practical learners for specialty interviews. The Master Class will demonstrate how to integrate the core competencies required for specialty selection with the visual and practical learning styles and provide each participant with the skills to understand the panel perspective and answer multi-layered and nuanced questions.

The course is strictly limited to five participants.

Please note the Master Class will only be available with a minimum of 3 participants. The Master Class will provide you with the skills to:
  • Prepare for specialty interview questions through a series of practical exercises using a visual tool.
  • Analyse questions and their components to be able to respond fully to questions.
  • Answer questions which require responses that integrate several core competencies within the one response.
  • Learn techniques on how to understand and answer questions without the assistance of visual cues.
  • Select and structure appropriate examples to demonstrate experience, knowledge and suitability.

Who Should Attend?

  • If you are a visual/practical learner who needs visual cues to respond to interview questions,
  • If you find it difficult to understand what the panel is looking for in your response
  • If you tend to waffle in your introduction to an answer,
  • If you find it difficult to stay on topic and sequence your answers,
  • If you find it difficult to answer behavioural questions where you need to use an example to demonstrate your knowledge or approach to a situation.
  • If you find it difficult to answer scenario questions which require assessing the situation from various perspectives,
  • If you find it difficult to integrate several core competencies required to answer a specific question such as scenario or behavioural questions
Duration 4 hours Fee $595.00 (GST inclusive) Included
  • Reference notes,
  • Post training 30 minute phone or Skype consultation
  • Copy of the eBook Impressive Interviews - Your pocket-sized personal interview trainer
  • Light refreshments
  • 10% discount on Individual interview training for the first 2 hours

29 April 2014 Doctors Preparing for Medical Specialty Interviews

Do you find interviews difficult and need help in planning how to prepare? Not sure what the questions mean or what the interview panel wants to know? Do you memorise answers for interview questions and then get confused forget your answer or go blank? Then don't miss this information session. This seminar is specifically designed for doctors intending to apply for medical specialty interviews in 2014. The introductory session will provide you with a practical plan, structure and approach to prepare for any surgical specialty interview. The program will cover:
  • Developing an interview thinking process and plan
  • Understanding the interview panel perspective
  • How to structure an answer for direct, behavioural and scenario questions.
  • How to choose and develop clear examples to demonstrate experience and suitability based on the selection criteria core competencies
  • Question time 15 minutes
Duration 1.5 hours Fee $85.00 Location Mantra Hindmarsh Square Included
  • Reference notes,
  • Copy of the eBook Impressive Interviews - Your pocket-sized personal interview trainer
  • Light refreshments

To find out more or book please contact Deborah Barit on 0412 007 682 email

Deborah Barit, Director of Impressive Interviews, is a Sydney based author, consultant and trainer with over 10 years experience specialising in preparing candidates for job interviews. Her clients range from, management. legal and graduates through to doctors, medical specialties, technical and public sector. For more information and to register please call 0412 002 682 or email
Website: Email Ph (02) 9331 1853 or Mob: 0412 002 682
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About Deborah Barit

Deborah Barit is a Sydney based author, trainer, consultant and Director of Impressive Interviews who specialises in training individuals and groups for job interviews. She has successfully placed clients from professions as diverse as health, law, IT, senior management and the arts in positions of their choice. For the last 15 years she has specialised in training doctors for medical specialty selection interviews and more recently consultants for senior roles.

Prior to this, her career has included selection and recruitment both in Australia and overseas, labour market research, evaluation of government-funded programs and working with disability employment services.  She holds a Bachelor of Economics Degree from the University of Sydney and a Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations form UTS.

Deborah is a member of the Australian Institute of Training and Development,