
It is that time of year again.

Time to shut down the computer, put the brain into holiday mode and enjoy the break.

I wish you all a healthy, happy and safe holiday season.

This office of Impressive Interviews will be closed from 23 December 2016 - 23 January 2017

NB If you haven't finished your present shopping, consider stopping by the store to purchase a copy of  'Impressive Interviews Your pocket-sized personal interview trainer', sale price hard copy  $15.00 plus $7.00 postage or ebook $12.00 .

You could consider the MyPitch app available in Iphone and Android  which will assist anyone having difficulty with that pesky question, 'Tell us about yourself,' to develop a winning answer.

About Deborah Barit

Deborah Barit is a Sydney based author, trainer, consultant and Director of Impressive Interviews who specialises in training individuals and groups for job interviews. She has successfully placed clients from professions as diverse as health, law, IT, senior management and the arts in positions of their choice. For the last 15 years she has specialised in training doctors for medical specialty selection interviews and more recently consultants for senior roles.

Prior to this, her career has included selection and recruitment both in Australia and overseas, labour market research, evaluation of government-funded programs and working with disability employment services.  She holds a Bachelor of Economics Degree from the University of Sydney and a Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations form UTS.

Deborah is a member of the Australian Institute of Training and Development,